steam production
Max. 20t/h
video outgoing-inspection
machinery test report
core components
fire tube, water tube, fire & water tube
place of origin
Guangdong, China
Demands on boiler thermal power
key selling points
High effiency and energy saving
Boiler Rated thermal power 1
0.7MW, 1.4MW, 2.8MW, 4.2MW, 5.6MW, 7MW, 10.5MW,14MW
Boiler Rated thermal power 2
700KW, 1400KW, 2800KW, 4200KW, 5600KW, 7000KW, 10500KW, 14000KW
Rated working pressure 1
0bar, 7bar, 10bar, 13bar, 16bar, 25bar
Rated working pressure 2
0mpa, 0.7mpa, 1.0mpa, 1.25mpa, 1.6mpa, 2.5mpa
Rated out/return water temperature
Coal & Biomass fuel boiler efficiency
> 80%
Gas & oil boiler efficiency
> 90%
Boiler Proper Color
red, green, blue, silver, as required
Auxiliary machineries 1
water pumps, fans, fuel conveyor, dust collector, water softener
Auxiliary machineries 2
burner, circulation pumps, valves & gauges, electrical cabinet